Provided are an optical transmission line including a connected part of the
optical fibers having different refractive index profiles, wherein at
least one of the optical fibers has a hollow region, and a method for
connecting such optical fibers, wherein connection loss in a connection of
such optical fibers is reduced. In the case of connecting an optical fiber
1, which does not have a hollow region and which consists of a core region
3 and a cladding region 4, and an optical fiber 2, which consists of a
hollow core region 5 and a cladding region 6 having a plurality of
refractive index variation parts 7 which extend along optical fiber 2,
matching oil M is first injected into the connecting end portion of the
hollow core region 5 to be connected with the optical fiber 1.
The matching oil M is a substance that has a matched refractive index
greater than the refractive index of the material which forms the cladding
region 6. Subsequently, one end portion of the optical fiber 1 and the
connecting end portion of the optical fiber 2, wherein the matching oil M
is injected, are inserted into the glass pipe 8, and the optical fiber 1
and the optical fiber 2 are connected.