The present invention relates to compositions and methods for improving the visual properties of a wash process which utilizes lipophilic fluid (e.g., siloxane solvent) by coloring agents, sudsing agents and mixtures thereof.

Die anwesende Erfindung bezieht auf Aufbau und Methoden für das Verbessern der Sichteigenschaften eines Wäscheprozesses, der verwendet lipophile Flüssigkeit (z.B., Siloxanlösungsmittel) indem es Mittel, sudsing Mittel und Mischungen davon färbt.


< Structure material and molded product using the same and decomposing method thereof

< Image forming apparatus including components mounted and/or dismounted in selected order

> Process for producing light olefins

> Method for preparing a supported catalyst system and its use in a polymerization process

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