A heat exchanger bundle extractor apparatus (1), comprises: a supporting
base (2, 29, 40), onto which a hoisting column (6) is rotatably mounted; a
guide frame (7), mounted onto supports (8) on the hoisting column (6), and
controlled hoisting and lowering means (9) for the moving of said supports
(8) and said guide frame (7) along said hoisting column (6); a push/pull
device (14) suitable for coupling to a respective front flange of a
bundle, mounted on said guide frame (7); longidudinal translation means
(15) apt to longitudinally moving said guide frame (7) with respect to
said supports (8); and transversal translation means (19) mounted at said
supports (8) and apt to transversally move said guide frame (7) with
respect to said supports (8) and to the hoisting column (6).