The dielectrophoretic force caused by the non-uniform electric field
squared spatial gradient three-dimensional pattern uniquely exhibited by a
predetermined type of entity can be detected by a locator device. A human
operator holds the device in hand to thereby electrically and
dielectrically connect the device to the human operator. The human
operator's naturally occurring very low electrical decay time constant is
increased through electronic circuitry externally connected to the device.
The device is held in a balanced nearly horizontal state, and the operator
scans the device in a constant speed uniform linear motion back and forth.
An antenna extends from the front of the device, and both are acted on by
the dielectrophoretic force. This force results in a subsequent resulting
torque, acceleration, vibration or any other measurable quantifiable
manifestation of the force about the handle's pivot line hence driving the
device and its antenna toward the direction and position of any entities
of the predetermined type that are within range.