Ziegler-natta catalyst for narrow to broad MWD of polyoefins, method of making, method of using, and polyolefins made therewith


A new synthesis of a Ziegler-Natta catalyst uses a multi-step preparation that includes treating a magnesium dialkoxide compound with halogenating/titanating agents, and an organoaluminum preactivating agent. The catalyst may be used in the polymerization of olefins, particularly ethylene, to control the molecular weight distribution and the fluff morphology of the resulting polyolefins.

Una nueva síntesis de un catalizador de Ziegler-Natta utiliza una preparación multi-step que incluya tratar un compuesto del dialkoxide del magnesio con los agentes de halogenating/titanating, y un agente preactivating del organoaluminum. El catalizador se puede utilizar en la polimerización de olefins, particularmente etileno, para controlar la distribución del peso molecular y la morfología de la pelusa de los polyolefins que resultan.

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< Catalysts used for olefine polymerization and the preparation thereof

< High refractive index aromatic-based silyl monomers

> Method for production of a solid catalyst for olefin polymerization

> Process for the preparation of ethylene polymers

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