Compositions for cleansing are disclosed that are not irritating to human
skin. A composition is disclosed that includes at least 2% of a mixture of
a salt of an alkyl sulfoacetate and a salt of an ethoxylated alkyl
sulfosuccinate, at least 3% of a salt of an ethoxylated alkyl sulfate, at
least 1% of an amphoteric surfactant, at least 0.05% of an alkyl
glucoside, and at least 0.005% of a phospholipid. A composition for
cleansing is disclosed that includes about 2% to 70% of a mixture of a
salt of an alkyl sulfoacetate and a salt of an ethoxylated alkyl
sulfosuccinate, about 3% to 40% of a salt of an ethoxylated alkyl sulfate,
about 1% to 40% of an amphoteric surfactant, about 0.05% to 10% of an
alkyl glucoside, and about 0.005% to 10% of a phospholipid. A cleansing
composition is further disclosed that includes about 41% of a mixture of
alkyl sulfoacetate and ethoxylated alkyl sulfosuccinate, about 34% of an
ethoxylated alkyl sulfate, about 22% of an amphoteric surfactant, about 2%
of a alkyl glucoside, and about 0.5% of a phospholipid. A composition for
cleansing is also described which includes about 2% to 50% of a mixture of
a salt of a sodium lauryl sulfoacetate and Disodium Laureth
Sulfosuccinate, about 3% to 35% of Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, about 1% to
30% of Cocamidopropyl Betaine, about 0.05% to 8% of Coco-Glucoside and
Coconut Oil, and about 0.005% to 5% of a phospholipid. A method of
cleaning is also described, which includes contacting a surface to be
cleansed with the composition of the invention. The composition can be
used in a variety of personal care or household cleansers, such as contact
lens care products, shampoos, soaps, body washes, mouthwashes,
toothpastes, oral rinses, facial and wound cleansers, eye makeup removers,
laundry and dishwashing detergents, and others.
Составы для cleansing показаны не irritating к людской коже. Состав показан вклюает по крайней мере 2% из смеси соли алкилового sulfoacetate и соли ethoxylated алкилового sulfosuccinate, по крайней мере 3% из соли ethoxylated алкилового сульфата, по крайней мере 1% из амфотерного сурфактанта, по крайней мере 0.05% алкилового гликозида, и по крайней мере 0.005% фосфолипида. Состав для cleansing показан вклюает около 2% к 70% смеси соли алкилового sulfoacetate и соли ethoxylated алкилового sulfosuccinate, около от 3% до 40% из соли ethoxylated алкилового сульфата, около от 1% до 40% амфотерного сурфактанта, около от 0.05% до 10% алкилового гликозида, и около от 0.005% до 10% фосфолипида. Cleansing состав более добавочно показан вклюает около 41% из смеси алкилового sulfoacetate и ethoxylated алкилового sulfosuccinate, около 34% из ethoxylated алкилового сульфата, около 22% из амфотерного сурфактанта, около 2% из алкилового гликозида, и около 0.5% фосфолипида. Состав для cleansing также описан вклюает около 2% к 50% смеси соли sulfoacetate натрия лаурилового и двунатриевого Laureth Sulfosuccinate, около от 3% до 35% из сульфата Laureth аммония, около от 1% до 30% betaine Cocamidopropyl, около от 0.05% до 8% масла Чочо-Glikozida и кокоса, и около от 0.005% до 5% фосфолипида. Метод чистки также описан, которая вклюает контактировать поверхность, котор нужно cleansed с составом вымысла. Состав можно использовать в разнообразии личных cleansers внимательности или домочадца, such as продукты внимательности контактной линзы, шампуней, мыл, мыть тела, mouthwashes, toothpastes, устно rinses, лицевые и ранит cleansers, перевозчики состава глаза, прачечный и dishwashing тензиды, и другие.