Pneumococcal vaccines formulated with interleukin-12


This invention pertains to vaccine compositions comprising a mixture of antigen, such as a pneumococcal or meningococcal antigen, and interleukin IL-12, which may be adsorbed onto a mineral in suspension. The pneumococcal or meningococcal antigen may be conjugated to a carrier molecule. These vaccine compositions modulate the protective immune response to the antigen.

Этот вымысел pertains к вакционным составам состоя из смеси антигена, such as pneumococcal или meningococcal антиген, и interleukin IL-12, которое может быть адсорбировано на минерал в подвесе. Pneumococcal или meningococcal антиген может быть проспряган к молекуле несущей. Эти вакционные составы модулируют защитную иммунную реакцию к антигену.


< Respiratory syncytial virus replication inhibitors

< Multicomponent meningococcal vaccine

> Production of recombinant respiratory syncytial viruses expressing immune modulatory molecules

> Use of parapox PP30 protein to modify immune responses to administered antigens

~ 00118