A method of generating an image or a video stream in which the composition
space in a standard display tool is used as the composition space. One
example of a standard display tool is an HTML-compliant browser. In one
embodiment, an image or a video editor gains control of the timer and the
frame grabber of the standard display tool, a document encoded in a
standard display language is received by the standard display tool, the
editor controls the timing according to quality requirements, the standard
display tool composes an image from the document in the compositor space
of the standard display tool, the frame grabber transmits the image to a
destination. Where the invention supports video streaming, the destination
is a video compressor that collects a series of images as frames, and
generates a video stream from the images. In another embodiment, an image
or a video editor additionally gains control of the timer of the document
and audio and video sources of the document, the editor controls the
timing of the standard display tool, the document, the sources and the
frame grabber according to the quality requirements.