In a method for magnetic resonance imaging with adherence to SAR limit
values, a patient is charged with a radio-frequency pulse sequence via at
least one transmission antenna for the implementation of a measurement in
a magnetic resonance tomography apparatus, and the magnetic resonance
signals that are produced are acquired in a spatially resolved manner via
at least one reception antenna and are further-processed for producing
magnetic resonance images or spectra. SAR values are determined before the
implementation of the measurement on the basis of patient data and the
position of the patient relative to the transmission antenna for planned
parameters of the measurement, and the parameters are modified as needed
until the SAR values lie within the SAR limit values. The position of the
patient relative to the transmission antenna is exactly determined by an
imaging magnetic resonance pre-measurement. The method enables adherence
to the SAR limit values without having to take large tolerances into
consideration. No additional hardware whatsoever and no positioning rule
for the user are required for the realization of the method.