A semiconductor device design method useful for the design of
microprocessor, ASIC, and high-speed high-performance LSI is intended to
enhance the accuracy of delay calculation and crosstalk noise calculation,
and enhance the accuracy of assessment of delay variation caused by
crosstalk and checking of malfunctioning caused by crosstalk. The method
calculates the delay by using the total capacitance in consideration of
the actual load after the layout and wiring, carries out the layout,
wiring and modification of wiring repeatedly until targeted in-cycle
transfer becomes attainable, calculates the delay by using the total
capacitance in consideration of the actual load and crosstalk, carries out
the modification of wiring repeatedly until targeted in-cycle transfer
becomes attainable, calculates the crosstalk noise by using the total
capacitance and coupling capacitance in consideration of the actual load,
carries out the modification of wiring repeatedly until malfunctioning
subsides, and uses data after the final layout and wiring for mask data.