Shrub rose plant named `JACtanre`


Hybrid tea rose plant having large red with lighter reverse flower; vigorous upright growth; ability to grow vigorously on its own roots; excellent hybrid tea flower form; dark, glossy green foliage; and resistance to rust and powdery mildew.

Planta cor-de-rosa do chá hybrid que tem o vermelho grande com a flor reversa mais clara; crescimento ereto vigoroso; abilidade de crescer vigorosa em suas próprias raizes; formulário hybrid excelente da flor do chá; obscuridade, foliage verde lustroso; e resistência à oxidação e ao mildew powdery.


< Hypericum plant named `Esmfashion`

< Chrysanthemum plant named `Steps`

> Coleus plant named `Kakegawa CE1`

> Nectarine tree named `Sunbest`

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