DNA encoding insulinotropic hormone


Derivatives of glucagon-like peptide I (GLP-1) and especially GLP-1(7-36) have been found to have insulinotropic activity. The invention pertains to the use of GLP-1(7-36) for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus.

Ableitungen von glucagon-wie Peptid I (GLP-1) und GLP-1(7-36) besonders sind gefunden worden, um insulinotropic Tätigkeit zu haben. Die Erfindung betrifft den Gebrauch GLP-1(7-36) für die Behandlung der Art der II Diabetes mellitus.

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< In vivo production and delivery of erythropoietin for gene therapy

< Method of producing clonal cell strains which express exogenous DNA encoding glucagon-like peptide 1

> Method for treating type 2 diabetes with an extract of Artemisia

> Treatment of hibernating myocardium and diabetic cardiomyopathy with a GLP-1 peptide

~ 00124