A pharmaceutical or medicinal preparation which comprises a mixture of the
following eleven herbs: Withania somnifera, Chlorphyton borivilianum,
Boerhavia diffusa, Elephantopus scaber, Moringa oleifera, Tecoma undulata,
Bauhinia purpurea, Ficus racemosa, Cyperus rotundus, Sphaeranthus acmella
and Tinospora cordifolia; or a mixture of the active ingredients that have
been extracted from those herbs or chemically synthesised. The herbal
formulation of the invention is effective for the treatment of cancer, in
particular squamous cell carcinomas, tumours and other metastatic states,
including lung cancer.
Фармацевтическая или целебная подготовка состоит из смеси following 11 herbs: Somnifera Withania, borivilianum Chlorphyton, diffusa Boerhavia, scaber Elephantopus, undulata moringa oleifera, Tecoma, purpurea Bauhinia, racemosa Ficus, rotundus Cyperus, acmella Sphaeranthus и cordifolia Tinospora; или смесь активно ингридиентов были извлечены от тех herbs или химически синтезированы. Herbal образование вымысла эффективно для обработки рака, в частности squamous carcinomas клетки, туморов и других metastatic положений, включая рак легких.