Serial bus control method and apparatus for a microelectronic power regulation system


A serial bus control method, apparatus, and system for transmitting signals between a master controller and a slave controller associated with a power regulator are disclosed. The serial bus control scheme allows for information to be written to or read from individual regulators or be written to read from all regulators that are coupled to the master controller.

Un método de control del autobús, un aparato, y un sistema seriales para las señales que transmiten entre un regulador principal y un regulador auxiliar asociados a un regulador de la energía se divulgan. El esquema serial del control del autobús permite para que la información sea escrita a o lea en reguladores individuales o para ser escrito para leer en todos los reguladores que se junten al regulador principal.


< Protocol for neighborhood-established transmission scheduling

< Microelectronic transient power generator for power system validation

> Plum tree named 'Suplumthirtyfive'

> Diversity slot antenna

~ 00131