Glory of the sun plant named `Gabriela`


A new and distinct cultivar of the Glory of the Sun plant named `Gabriela` characterized by having: very hard scape; green, white and violet-blue obovate tepals; pleasant aroma; yellow-green staminodes; and tepals with shiny and waxy bases.

Un cultivar nuevo y distinto de la gloria de la planta del sol nombró el ` Gabriela` caracterizado teniendo: scape muy duro; tepals verdes, blancos y violeta-azules del obovate; aroma agradable; staminodes de color verde amarillo; y tepals con las bases brillantes y cerosas.


< Photinia plant named `Cassini`

< Rose plant named `POULcs007`

> Clematis plant named `EVIpo017`

> Double Impatiens plant named `Balolerose`

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