Alarm related peptides and nucleic acids and diagnosis using them


We have identified a novel protein, named ALARM or .delta.-catenin, on the basis of its ability to bind to presenilin 1. ALARM contains 4 copies of the arm repeat and is expressed almost exclusively in brain tissue.

Abbiamo identificato una proteina del romanzo, chiamata ALARM o delta.-catenin, in base alla relativa capacità di legarsi al presenilin 1. L'ALLARME contiene 4 copie della ripetizione del braccio ed è espresso quasi esclusivamente nel tessuto del cervello.


< Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP20 and related products and methods

< Nucleotide sequences which code for the tal gene

> Nucleic acid encoding CLK2 protein kinases

> Compositions and methods for the modification of gene transcription

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