Design and implementation of an `Auto Multi-Project Server System`, which
automates the tasks of Project Management Coordination, for organizational
work-group team members. The `Auto Multi-Project Server`, referred to as
AMPS, consists of a core piece of software running on a host server
computer system and interacting with a messaging system such as electronic
mail, fax etc. Once the AMPS system is configured for the work
environment, all interactions with it by work-group team members is via
messages. First the AMPS system compiles multi-project plans into a
multi-project database, and tracks the ownership of projects, tasks and
resources within the plans. Second the AMPS system performs automatic
checking of resource requests, if resource availability limits are
exceeded then resources are re-allocated to projects based on priorities,
and project plans are accordingly changed Third the database is processed
periodically to send out reminder follow-ups and project status reports.
Fourth the databases are continuously updated based on status changes
reported by work-group members. These four steps are continuously repeated
enabling an automated method of multi-project management for
organizational work-group team members.