Small, high-quality soundfiles are algorithmically recombined and their
behavior altered to create rich, non-looping sound environments. These
environments consist of sound effects as well as musical tones; for
example, the sound of a single water drop or a single ocean wave can be
replicated and regenerated according to algorithmic rules to create a
long-running non-looping sound effect. Sonic parameters such as pitch,
start time, intensity, and apparent spatial location are given initial
values which are then changed in realtime via genetic algorithms to
generate new values. When applied in Web-based 3D environments (e.g.,
VRML, Java3D, etc.), the present invention dramatically reduces the
necessity for downloading large soundfiles. The present invention may also
be used in real-world systems to produce long-running, interactive,
non-looping sound environments. Applications of the present invention
include awareness systems, entertainment systems, real/virtual interplay,
and long-term auditory monitoring and display.