A slurry tray and a method for removing residual vinyl chloride monomer
from a polyvinylchloride resin slurry with reduced discoloration of the
polyvinylchloride resin is provided. The slurry tray preferably includes
partitioned channels that cause the slurry to flow at a velocity that
maintains solids contained with the slurry in a liquid suspension and
weirs contains holes to allow solids trapped at the bottom of the weir to
flow continuously downward to a bottom of the plate tower for removal from
the tower. The method preferably includes supplying the slurry towards the
top of the tower and a vapor towards the bottom of the tower. The slurry
descends the tower, while the steam simultaneously ascends the tower, both
through directional valves. The solids trapped upon the surface of the
trays travel down the tower through the holes within the weirs for removal
from the tower.