Chrysanthemum plant named `Sercia`


A new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named `Sercia`, characterized by its upright and rounded growth habit; freely branching growth habit; uniform and freely flowering habit; daisy-type inflorescences without white-colored ray florets and yellow-colored disc florets; and excellent garden performance.

Um cultivar novo e distinto da planta do chrysanthemum nomeou o ` Sercia`, caracterizou-o por sua verticalidade e arredondou-o o hábito do crescimento; hábito livremente ramificando do crescimento; uniforme e hábito livremente flowering; daisy-tipo inflorescences sem florets branco-coloridos do raio e florets amarelo-coloridos do disco; e desempenho excelente do jardim.


< Calla lily plant named `Picasso`

< Floribunda rose plant named `JACarobe`

> Chrysanthemum plant named 'Follies'

> Begonia plant named `Kaya`

~ 00158