Fatty acid soap/fatty acid bars which process and have good lather


The invention relates to bar compositions which are structured in such manner (i.e., through specific ternary system) that bars can extrude well and have good properties (e.g., lather), even at low synthetic surfactant level.

La invención se relaciona con las composiciones de la barra que se estructuran de tal manera (es decir, a través de sistema ternario específico) esa las barras pueden sacar bien y tener buenas características (e.g., espuma), uniformes en el nivel sintético bajo del surfactant.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Method for dispensing a detergent comprising an amionic/silicate agglomerate

< Process for making low surfactant, high sugar bars

> Dry cleaning process comprising a non-aqueous step and a low aqueous step

> Bar with good user properties comprising acid-soap complex as structurant and low levels of synthetic

~ 00158