Substituted triazinyl amide derivatives and methods of use


The invention encompasses compounds, analogs, prodrugs and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, pharmaceutical compositions, uses and methods for prophylaxis and treatment of cancer and angiogenesis-related disease.

De uitvinding omvat samenstellingen, analogons, prodrugs en farmaceutisch aanvaardbare zouten daarvan, farmaceutische samenstellingen, gebruik en methodes voor profylaxe en behandeling van kanker en op angiogenese betrekking hebbende ziekte.


< Electrophoretic displays in portable devices and systems for addressing such displays

< Methods and compounds for prevention and treatment of elevated intraocular pressure and related conditions

> Active substance combinations having insecticidal and acaricidal properties

> Covalent derivatives of alkanolamides of monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids functionally active on the CB2 cannabinoid receptor

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