Peach tree named "P.F. 24-C cold hardy"


A new and distinct variety of peach, Prunus persica, tree having the following unique combination of desirable features: 1. Producing a bud that is particularly winter and spring cold hardy. 2. The limbs of the tree naturally grow at wide angles creating a wide-spreading tree. 3. A fruit with a smooth raised suture that remains firm as does the whole fruit. 4. A late maturing, highly colored, peach cultivar that matures a few days before the old standard variety, "Cresthaven" (unpatented), and which hangs on the tree for many days, staying extremely firm.


< Tiarella plant named `Candy Striper`

< Interspecific Diascia plant named `Balwincor`

> Spathiphyllum plant named `Raymond P. Oglesby`

> New Guinea Impatiens plant named `Fisupnic Coral Ice`

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