Nectarine tree `Burnectseventeen`


A new and distinct variety of nectarine tree (Prunus nucipersica), and which is denominated varietally as `Burnectseventeen`, and which produces an attractively colored yellow-fleshed, clingstone nectarine which is mature for harvesting approximately August 7th to August 12 under ecological conditions prevailing in the San Joaquin Valley of central California.

Новое и определенное разнообразие вала нектарина (nucipersica Prunus), и который denominated varietally как ` Burnectseventeen`, и который производит привлекательн покрашенное yellow-fleshed, clingstone нектарин который возмужал для жать приблизительно 7th -го август до 12 -го августа под экологическими условиями превалируя в долине san joaquin центрального california.


< Silene plant named `Prairie Fire`

< Osteospermum plant named `Sunny Serena`

> Hybrid Tea rose plant `POULen006`

> Petunia plant named `USTUNI164`

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