The present specification protective headgear including a unitary shell (1)
having a bell shape with a non-uniform thickness, the shell being of
sufficient size to enclose at least an upper part of the wearer's skull,
the shell having an upper crown portion (6) with a central crown area (2)
and a surrounding outer crown area (3), the shell further including a
depending circumferential wall which has an upper wall area (4) adjacent
to the outer crown area (2) and a lower wall area (5), the lower wall area
(5) having a wall thickness generally greater than the wall thickness of
said upper wall area (4), and the central crown area (2) having a wall
thickness generally greater than the wall thickness of said outer crown
area (3), the headgear further including a support system (9) attached to
the lower wall area(s) of the shell (1) in a manner whereby no less than 5
mm space is maintained between the wearer's skull and an inside surface of
the shell (1).