Nanotechnology for chemical radiation, and biotechnology sensors


Nanostructured non-stoichiometric materials are disclosed. Novel sensing materials and their applications are discussed. More specifically, the specifications teach the use of nanotechnology and nanostructured materials for developing novel sensing devices and products.

Материалы Nanostructured нон-stexiometriceskie показаны. Роман воспринимая материалы и их применения обсужены. Более специфически, спецификации учат пользе nanotechnology и nanostructured материалы для превращаясь приспособлений и продуктов романа воспринимая.


< Diffractive optical position detector

< Methods for producing composite nanoparticles

> Nanotechnology for electrochemical and energy devices

> Nanotechnology for inks and dopants

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