An input signal with an associated pulse width can be sampled using a
sampling method that does not require a clock signal. The input signal is
compared to a reference level signal to produce a comparator output
signal. Strobe signals are generated from the input signal, where the
strobe signals occur within a pulse width of the input signal. Sampled
data points are generated in response to the comparator output signal and
the strobe signals such that the sampled data points are within the
pulse-width of the input signal. One of the strobe signals may be used to
periodically reset the comparator. The sampling logic circuit may be
constructed from common logic gates and memory circuits such as
flip-flops. In one example application the sampling method is applied to
an equalizer system. The equalizer system includes an equalizer circuit
that produces an equalized signal. A data slicer circuit converts the
equalized signal into a digital representation. The sampling method is
applied to the output of the data slicer circuit to generate the sampled
data points in the equalizer system. The sampled data points may be used
in the equalizer system or any other system that requires samples of the
input signal without the use of a clock signal. Since the sampling system
uses the incoming data signal to generate the requisite timing signals for
sampling, high frequency clock circuits and phase locked loop techniques
are unnecessary resulting in lower power consumption and reduced costs.