Control object and user interface for controlling networked devices


A system for including a set of software components and an application programming interface for the logical networked representation and implementation of a system of smart devices within a home or small office environment. The software components include a control object component and a user interface component. The control object is a software object capable that carries out communication, accepts and issues control messages. The control object allows a user to remotely control or query a physical device for which the specific control object has responsibility and for maintaining logical and physical connections and control of the device. The user interface supplies a coherent and transparent interface across all network media and topologies. The user interface is capable of communicating with any control object that it identifies as being controllable in a given system. The communication may be across a logical network or may be local to a particular device. The user interface takes on the "personality" of the physical device for which the attendant control object carries a logical and physical mapping and control responsibility.


< Media organization for distributed sending of media data

< Method and system for register allocation

> Priority mechanism for distributed sending of media data

> Device driver conversion and creation

~ 00177