Snapable toy with interchangeable portions


A hand-held toy is disclosed having portions which may be detached with an audible "snap" and interchanged in a variety of combinations. Various embodiments of the present invention may comprise a plush toy, a cloth- or fabric-covered toy and a wire frame toy having a pliant endoskeleton covered by a polymer or the like to allow the toy to be bent into a variety of positions. The plush toy, the cloth-covered toy or the fabric-covered toy may also include a pliant endoskeleton allowing it to be bent into a variety of positions. Each of the above-described embodiments includes appendages or portions that may be detached with an audible snap and interchanged in a variety of combinations.


< Pet chew toy

< Flying discs having improved gripping surfaces and flight performance

> Toy

> Yo-yo having visual indication of response setting

~ 00177