A system and method for improving the effectiveness of web advertising by allowing
a user to return and request a previously displayed ad that appeals to the user.
Generally, the system employs an intelligent browser cache maintained within a
user's terminal to keep web pages in cache and maintain information about hyperlinks
contained therein. Furthermore, the system allows for the storing of ads in a bookmark
memory without clicking on the ads. The bookmark memory is either permanently maintained
or temporarily stored for a predetermined time period at the user's terminal to
allow the user view all the stored ads at a later time. The system further includes
an algorithm for computing the differences between previously visited pages stored
in the intelligent browser cache and a new page in terms of their hyperlinks. Presented
to the user in separate windows are all the ads from both the old and new pages
to aid the user in deciding whether to click and visit a different page or to save
the displayed page for later use. Finally, the system permits the user to request
for ads previously displayed at a particular position by pointing his mouse to
the current ad at such a location.