Hand-held device with foldable display screen and keyboard


The present invention discloses a portable device for accessing the Internet that is compact and lightweight and comprises a display screen of 640 pixels240 pixels. The display screen is divided into two portions that are connected with a hinge, thus the display screens are foldable. In another embodiment, a keyboard is divided into two portions and the portions are attached to the display screens with hinges. The keyboards fold into the display screens. In another embodiment, a virtual browser that sends information to the device is formatted such that text is displayed on one side of the display screen therefore the user does not have to skip over the hinge while reading.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Registration and monitoring system

< Wireless internet bio-telemetry monitoring system and interface

> Internet facsimile system

> IP multicasting in mesh TDMA satellite networks

~ 00180