Combined DVD/CD data processor


A combined DVD/CD (Digital Video Disk/Compact Disk) data processor used in a DVD/CD player. The DVD/CD data processor includes a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) to receive a pulse stream input to generate a PLL clock; a frame/ID synchronization detector to latch the pulse stream according to the PLL clock, to generate a symbol clock; a demodulator to EFM+ demodulate the pulse stream according to the symbol clock in a DVD mode, and EFM demodulate the pulse stream according to the symbol clock in a CD mode; an ECC demodulator to error-correct input data according to a predetermined code length and error correction range, the predetermined code length and error correction range having different values in the DVD and CD modes; a memory to store the demodulated data to provide the ECC demodulator with the demodulated data stored therein; a descrambler to descramble the error corrected data stored in the memory, in the DVD mode; and a CD audio processor to process the error corrected data stored in the memory, in the CD mode.


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~ 00181