Memory map adjustment to support the need of adapters with large memory requirements


Method, system, and apparatus for allocating memory to a plurality of expansion slots in a data processing system. During initialization, firmware allocates memory among a plurality of expansion slots on a rigid basis. If an input/output adapter functionally connected to one of the plurality of expansion slots requires more memory, the firmware reallocates the memory among the plurality of expansion slots such that the expansion slot occupied by the input/output adapter is allocated sufficient memory. If during runtime, an input/output adapter is hotplugged into the system and requires more memory than allocated to the slot in which the input/output adapter has been inserted, the firmware reallocates memory, first from unoccupied expansion slots and then, if necessary, from selected ones of occupied expansion slots.


< Control chip with multiple-layer defer queue

< Ordering data writes from a local storage device to a remote storage device

> System and method for synchronizing access to shared resources

> Data management appliance

~ 00182