Encryption and data-protection for content on portable medium


A source generates a medium key (KM) and a media secret table including a plurality of entries, each entry including (KM) encrypted by a public key (PU-PD) of a plurality of devices, obtains the medium ID of a medium therefrom, generates a content key (KD) for a piece of content, encrypts the content with (KD) to result in (KD(content)), encrypts (KD) with (KM) to result in (KM(KD)), generates a package for the content including (KD(content)), (KM(KD)), the medium ID, and a signature based on at least the medium ID and verifiable with (KM), and copies the generated package and the media secret table to the medium. Thus, a device with the medium and a private key (PR-PD) corresponding to an entry of the media secret table can access and render the content.

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~ 00183