A multi-cyclone gas/solids separator with reduced solids re-entrainment is disclosed.
The separator uses a plurality of cyclones spaced horizontally apart from adjacent
cyclones to process flue gas containing residual catalyst fines. Each cyclone has
a body that has a feed inlet end for admitting gas and entrained solids into an
annular space defined by a sidewall of the cyclone body and a cylindrical gas outlet
tube axially aligned with the cyclone body. A solids outlet at an opposing end
of the cyclone body has a tangential outlet for solids and a minor amount of gas
through a sidewall of the cyclone body. A gas reflux opening is axially aligned
with the outlet tube. The plurality of cyclones share both a common catch chamber
for solids discharged from the solids outlet, and a common manifold for gas and
entrained solids. A plurality of shields are positioned in the catch chamber to
inhibit discharge of solids from the tangential outlet of the adjacent cyclones
into a vicinity of an inlet of the gas reflux opening.