A global synchronization unit (GSU) for time and space (TS) stamping of input
elements. The GSU comprises a GPS Receiver and an associated antenna for receiving
GPS signals from signal sources associated with a GPS system symbolically embedded
within a global reference system, and processing received GPS signals so as to
automatically produce time and space (TS) stamp data element representative of
the time and space coordinates of the GSU with respect to said global reference
system at each data sampling instant occurring within the GSU. The GSU further
comprises a central processor, operably connected to the GPS Receiver, and also
a data input port, operably connected to a data input device and the central processor,
for receiving an input data element from the data input device, at each data sampling
instant. During GSU operation, the central processor (i) connects the input data
element received at the data input port at each data sampling instant, with the
TS-stamp data element generated at the sampling instant so as to produce a TS-stamped
input data element, and (ii) stores each TS-stamped input data element in memory.
By virtue of the present invention, the GSU enables collection of TS-coordinate
information aboard the GSU for storage and subsequent transmission to a host computing
device, which may be connected to an information network. The GSU can be used in
diverse user applications, in which TS-stamping operations are required.