Method and apparatus for decomposing semiconductor device patterns into phase and chrome regions for chromeless phase lithography


A method of generating a mask of use in printing a target pattern on a substrate. The method includes the steps of (a) determining a maximum width of features to be imaged on the substrate utilizing phase-structures formed in the mask; (b) identifying all features contained in the target pattern having a width which is equal to or less than the maximum width; (c) extracting all features having a width which is equal to or less than the maximum width from the target pattern; (d) forming phase-structures in the mask corresponding to all features identified in step (b); and (e) forming opaque structures in the mask for all features remaining in target pattern after performing step (c).


< Method and apparatus for multimedia display in a mobile device

< Apparatus, system, method and computer program product for creating shortcuts to functions in a personal communication device

> Device for accelerating the interpretation of a program written in an interpreted language

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