System and method for performing substitute fulfillment information complication and notification


Disclosed is an Internet-based database system and method (ASP), that enables school districts and temporary employment agencies to automate the dispatching (24/7) of pre-qualified substitute/temporary personnel to specified school/work site locations for specific absent employees/job openings. The system includes a profile database of permanent and substitute (temporary) employees, positions, skills, working dates/shifts, rates of pay, work sites, lesson plans/comments, reasons for absence and corresponding budget codes. Approved substitute/temporary employees may access the database using a multi-level access and secure logon code through their Internet-based browser device. The software filters job/position information to match specific job openings to the skills, qualifications (certification), preferences and availability of the substitute/temporary employee/s. As job openings (absences) are entered into the system by employees, the school district or employment agency, job details are immediately available through Internet "distributed technology" to all appropriate substitute/temporary employees through their web browser device. Substitute/temporary employees may review, accept, or reject, each job opening. They may also change their availability, work preferences, preferred locations and electronic address, i.e. e-mail address/pager or other device. When a new job order is entered, requested substitutes are notified immediately. The system utilizes e-mail/e-page or other wireless browser devices to inform them that a current job position is available.


< Communication apparatus, electronic mail transmitting method, and electronic mail transmitting program

< System for vending physical and information items

> Message security

> Method and system for collaborative web browsing

~ 00186