End of aids for general virology, based on profound science as protein foldings: safe vaccines, universal antimicrobial means, mad cow end


All AIDS principal mysteries are resolved. "One step" AIDS is successive contaminations.(with low [anti-env]). Strong sole lethal animal doses are confirming. Mobility macrophage (m.phi.) receptors contaminate at 1st stage with nonproductive entry with nonintegrated and heterogenous (due to nef) HIV DNA and proteins and preudoinfectious A particles. Such heterogeneity is obligatory for 2nd productive contamination with heterogenous anti-env, with integrated DNA and homologous proteins. Encephalites are due to moving into brain myp due to locally liberated cyto and chemokines Nongenetic factors are determining: at general persistent seronegativity (contact regularity) or absence of 2nd contamination due to different Fc receptor carbohydrates (babies before 3 months, chimpanzee). Minor genetic factors (as CCR5-2) only modify. AIDS in explaining all dangerous vaccinations. Carbohydrate origin of NK-cell mechanism. Artificial. virus culture contaminations. HIV signallings are resolved with general laws of functional recognitions and foldings with help of Universalest "Du-2T"-like peptides and 2 prolyl-isomerases (coupled trans-cis transitions). Chaperons protect proteins against intercarbohydrate aggregations. Prione "scarpie" state is artificial dissociation of their "Du-2T". MHC and TRC allbtypes are due to their carbohydrates. Hearts of any cell functionning: "PKC" transporting vesicle cycle and independent direct DNA activation. Apoptosis: irreversibility of preparation of next signal with stock exhaustions. Ribosome cycles. Key proprotein primary structures confirm above data. Consequences of profoundest bases: m.phi. mobility stopping against encephalites; charged antibodies eliminate viruses, cancer cells and harmful antibody clones (anti-viral ,anti-auto); "Du-2T" eliminates viruses and "Mad Cow"; vaccines from homogenous viruses with one neutralizing epitope and correct virus titres; ribosomal protein synthesis; means against clinical death and coma; perfectest hypnotics.

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