Block with multifaceted bottom surface


A block for use in constructing a retaining wall. The block has a bottom with a non-planar portion that forms a gap between the block and the top surface of a lower course of similar blocks when the block is placed thereon. This gap allows the block to rest on the lower course of blocks in a stable, level manner by providing a space that can accommodate small amounts of intrusive material such as rubble, dirt, or miscellaneous debris which would otherwise interfere with the stacking of the blocks. The block's bottom may also include a plurality of grooves that provide additional clearance in the gap for larger bits of intrusive material such as pebbles or small stones. Preferably, the grooves have angled walls which act to funnel the larger bits of intrusive material into an area of adequate clearance when the block is being placed on a lower course of similar blocks.


< Method for installing a pile anchor

< Surface structures and methods thereof

> Mine prop

> Modular fiber log erosion and sediment control barrier

~ 00190