Headlight having a pivoting elliptical reflector and a fixed lens, for producing an offset or verge beam


A headlight for providing a light beam adapted to illuminate the verge of the road. From the rear towards the front along a horizontal reference axis are an elliptical reflector, a light source, and a convergent lens element. The reflector and light source are mounted for pivoting movement, to provide a movable optical axis with respect to the longitudinal axis. The lens is fixed. A lateral portion arranged in an angular sector is swept by the movable optical axis, and is designed to cause the light beam to be modified as a function of the offset angle defined by the movable optical axis with the longitudinal axis.

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< LED vehicle wheel well illumination device

< Reflector-movable headlamp

> Headlight

> Projection-type vehicular headlamp having improved lateral illumination

~ 00190