Canal hearing device with transparent mode


The invention provides a canal hearing device and method in which the device is implemented with a mode of operation that provides acoustic transparency as well as a power-saving function, particularly useful to permit the user to wear the device in the ear canal during periods of sleep or inactivity without substantial loss of normal unaided response. The transparent mode has an in-situ acoustic transfer function that compensates for the insertion loss caused by the presence of a hearing device in the ear canal. While the device is in this transparent mode, its acoustic transfer function gives the user a perception of unaided hearing, as though the device were removed, when it is actually being worn continuously in the ear canal. Current drain of the device is significantly reduced as the transparent mode serves to shut off or reduce bias currents of at least one circuit element within the device circuitry. The invention is particularly useful in canal hearing devices adapted for extended wear in the ear canal for periods longer than one month without removal.


< Multilayer capacitor

< Tablet system with inductive loops and cord less-battery less pointer apparatus controlled by multi-channel switches set and method for transmitting and receiving its signal

> Magnetic transfer apparatus

> Speaker apparatus

~ 00192