A group of Double-Sided High-Tc Superconducting (HTS) Magnetic-Dipole
Micro-Antennas is provided. The multi-resonant double-sided HTS magnetic dipole
micro-antenna are fabricated using thin-film (YBCO3000
) YBCO material (with Tc92 K). The substrate is a single
LaAlO3 crystal (with the loss-tangent of tan 10-;5,
r24) with the thickness of LAO508
m. Each antenna is comprised of a combination of co-centric loop and spiral
structures, patterned on both sides of the substrate without ground plane. Due
to their geometric structures, each antenna demonstrates a multi-resonant characteristic.
The comparison between the overall dimensions of the device (2222 mm2)
and variation of the wavelength at resonances indicate a typical ratio of D/10-;2
between the largest loop diameter and the longest wavelength. A multi-resonant
double-sided spiral HTS magnetic dipole micro-antenna, a multi-resonant double-sided
folded log-periodic HTS magnetic dipole micro-antenna and methods for reducing
antenna length with a multi-resonant double-sided HTS magnetic dipole micro-antenna
are also provided.