Apparatus for implanting surgical devices for controlling the internal circumference of an anatomic orifice or lumen


A system for implanting a surgical device to control the circumference of internal anatomic passages corrects physiologic dysfunctions resulting from a structural lumen which is either too large or too small. Implants are disclosed which employ various means for adjusting and maintaining the size of an orifice to which they are attached. Systems permit the implants to be implanted using minimally invasive procedures and permit final adjustments to the circumference of the implants after the resumption of normal flow of anatomic fluids in situ. Methods are disclosed for using the implants to treat heart valve abnormalities, gastroesophageal abnormalities, anal incontinence, and the like.


< Endoscopic suturing system

< Medical foot helper for diabetic, arthritic, disabled, elderly and obese persons

> Implantable medical electrical stimulation lead fixation method and apparatus

> Method and system to provide therapy for obesity and other medical disorders, by providing electrical pules to symapthetic nerves or vagal nerve(s) with rechargeable implanted pulse generator

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