Plum tree named 'Suplumtwentyfive'


A new and distinct low-chill plum variety, Prunus salicina 'Suplumtwentyfive' is disclosed. The new variety has a relatively low winter chilling requirement of 200 hours at or below 7.2 C. The new variety has heavy and regular fruit production in the mild-winter region of California's Coachella Valley where harvest typically begins about 20 days before the 'Red Beaut' (unpatented) harvest begins in California's San Joaquin Valley. 'Suplumtwentyfive' produces large (approximately 55-58 mm diameter), firm, round fruit having smooth black skin and amber-colored flesh. The flavor of the new variety is mildly sweet with mildly-tart skin.


< Verbena plant named `Bodcompin`

< Apple tree named `Burchinal Red Delicious`

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