The invention discloses a tokenless biometric identification computer system,
comprising at least a database containing registered biometric samples of users.
A comparator compares a bid biometric sample of a user to at least one registered
biometric sample, the bid biometric sample obtained directly from the user during
an identification process for conducting an electronic transaction by the user.
A stored audio signature is associated with a transaction processor entity, which
the transaction processor entity is responsible for conducting the electronic transaction.
A sound generator generates an analog or digital signal from the stored audio signature,
and a transducer converts the analog or digital signal to a play back audio signature.
This invention generates a play back audio signature from the stored audio signature
that is associated with the transaction processor entity and the play back audio
signature is played back to the user to identify the transaction processor entity
that conducted the electronic transaction, wherein no man made personal devices
such as credit cards, identity cards or the like is used during the identification
process for conducting the electronic transaction.