System and method for standardizing care in a hospital environment


A system and method for standardizing care in a hospital environment. Information concerning the latest care and practice standards for a given condition is provided to a decision support module. The decision support module comprises decision support algorithms that reflect a standardize guideline of practice for a particular medical condition. The general categories of cardiovascular, endocrinology, general, gastrointestinal, hematology, infectious diseases, neurology, pharmacology, pulmonary, renal, surgery, toxicology, trauma all have guidelines and practice standards associated with them. Patient data and user input are inputted to the decision support algorithm. The user may be prompted for user input, and an assessment is made of the patient so as provide patient care advice for the patient. Examples of patient care advice are a diagnosis, a method of treatment, and a laboratory protocol.


< Apparatus and method for analyzing data

< Laboratory instrumentation information management and control network

> Method and apparatus to manage memory access requests

> Transgenically produced decorin

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