Generic parameterization for a scene graph


A parameterized scene graph provides mutable (animated) values and parameterized graph containers such that an application program or the like can selectively change certain aspects of the scene graph description while leaving other aspects intact, and also reuse portions of the scene graph with different parameters. To this end, mutable values are provided, which provide the higher level code with hooks into the scene graph enabling the scene description to be changed. The mutable values may be varied over time to provide animation. A parameterized graph container is also described that enables a scene graph portion to be templatized for reuse throughout a scene in a generic way. In this manner, a single parameterized graph container may be efficiently reused in a scene graph, with different values for its parameters.


< Ergonomic and functionally-efficient one-hand user input interface

< Portion of a display screen

> System and method for pre-processing a video signal

> Methods and systems for preparing graphics for display on a computing device

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