Portable drinking device


A portable drinking device is provided that can be filled with municipal type water, and which will remove impurities (e.g. chlorine) from that water. The portable drinking device is designed so that a person can carry around a single drinking device, fill that drinking device with type water (e.g. from a faucet), and yet have a portable water source more suitable to that person's water quality preferences. The portable drinking device has an integrally contained filtration component, designed for filtering water that is drawn or otherwise delivered from the device through a drinking tube or other delivery mechanism, and in a way designed to ensure that all water obtained from the device is passed through the filtration component to remove the desired impurities. In addition, some applications of this design will include a filtration component with a filter media that can be conveniently replaced, so that the same portable drinking structure can be used and reused, while other applications may include a filtration component designed as a single use, disposable filter.

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~ 00195