RF multiple load cell scale


Load cells forming one or more weighing scales are connected to each other and to a common concentrator which communicates to a master controller in the control house via RF wireless communication. The load cells are polled by and provide weight reading to concentrator to the master controller. A digital load cell is used which includes a rocker pin, guided beam, torsion ring or other counterforce, a circuit board mounted on the counterforce and an enclosure sealing the circuit board and all but the load bearing surfaces of the counterforce and a mounded antenna. The circuit board includes a microcomputer and a transceiver. RF communication is provided with the circuit board through a antenna mounted on the enclosure. One or a number of load cells may be connected to a computer or controller to form one or more weighing scales with one or more weighing scales connect to a control house through wireless RF communication. The preferred embodiment uses passive receivers for receiving the signals and waveguide to minimize power requirements.

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~ 00195